I Am Born



I am born of the earth the fire and the wind
My body is a shelter for the spirit within

Pachamama Pachamama Pachapapa
Papapapaparue Papapapaparua
Currupipipiragua com a rainha Yamanja
E o Rel Ogum da beira-mar

I am born of the earth the rivers and the seas
My body is a shelter for the spirit in me Pachamama…

I am born of the sun the moon and the stars
My body is a shelter for the light in my heart Pachamama…

I am born of the earth am born of the skies
Am born of the spirit and the spirit never dies Pachamama…

If you come across a page without a performance it’s probably because we couldn’t find a good recording of the song on YouTube or Soundcloud. You are welcome to recommend us performances for missing songs or additional performances for existing songs just make sure the quality of the recording is good.