Yarin Ben David

ירין בן דויד

Yarin Ben David – holds and guides singing circles, retreats and tribal spaces, creates and produces the circle project “Mitakuye Oyasin”.

Yarin tells about himself:
In 2018, when I am all in the middle of a career in the business world and without any musical background, I was exposed by a chance to the world of spirituality and singing circles.
Immediately when I experienced the power and miracles of this tribal wonderful human space, I understood and felt that my life seeks to change from end to end in order to give my soul more of this beauty and magic, which reveal when the space is in synchronization and has a common intention of prayer, gratitude and celebration (I learned to play the guitar especially to guide circles).

Since then and until today I am creating singing circles with all my energy and passion, and am grateful for the privilege to create and take part in the spaces that allow so much magic, healing and collective transformation.

I like to combine everything in my spaces – a deep and intimate prayer on the one hand and an ecstatic celebration with no restraints on the other.
Depth together with lightness.
Shamanism with electronics.
Everything has a place.. in space as in life.

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