Wise in The Ways


Luna Deva & Tombaba


Sing my sister sing
Sing out loud of all you bring
For what you sing is what you are

And your wise in the ways in the ways
In the ways of a woman by far
Your wise in her ways its what you are

Dance my sister dance
Fall in love and make romance
For how you dance is what you are And your wise…

Play my sister play
Explore the world in the child way
For how you play is what you are And your wise…

Dream my sister dream
Dream your own reality
For how you dream is what you are And your wise…

Pray my sister pray
Giving thanks for each new day
For how you pray is what you are And your wise…
Grow my sister grow
You have a path to reap and sow
For how you grow is what you are And your wise…

Walk my sister walk
Don’t waste your time with all that talk
For how you walk is what you are And your wise…

Live my sister live
And recieve all that you give
For how you live is what you are And your wise…

Breathe my sister breathe
Surrender to the mystery
For how you breathe is what you are And your wise…

More performances of the song Wise in The Ways

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