Al Gamra



Agul eli yebi elGamra whu fi hubaha mwala
Ema hi tenzelah wela hu leha yitla

Ala ya mlamlem ajruhi wm azem leha titla
Akhaf yitul alek a darb wmim nus a Tarig tirja

Weli hu mu gad ashog la ye3sheg wala yihwa
la yikaber wyigul agdar madam gleyba ma yigwa

La tehseb liyali elhub kel sea bha hilwa
Wla d’anet kel wahed tara yistahel elanwa

Malak ela had’a elhal waye hal ghera ma yinfa
Ema enak thawen wela truh laha wtikhd’a

If you come across a page without a performance it’s probably because we couldn’t find a good recording of the song on YouTube or Soundcloud. You are welcome to recommend us performances for missing songs or additional performances for existing songs just make sure the quality of the recording is good.